Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

It's my first birding new year! :)

We're on cold weather lockdown for the new year here in Chicagoland, but the days leading up to 2008 gave us a temporary thaw:

Mallards enjoying the temporary melt

The cold and snow of 2008 has everybody scrambling for a meal - even 'Coop. There's something bone-chilling about a Cooper's Hawk's stare:

You lookin at me, punk?

Eyeing a potential meal. He was not successful this time... this time.

Eyeing a meal

I finally got a glimpse of the female cardinal! I've had a male cardinal visiting occasionally for a few weeks now, and this cold snap brought out his mate, AND another male! I love seeing the cardinals at my feeders. They're gorgeous birds and I'm glad to be able to help them get by this winter.

Isn't she gorgeous!
Female Cardinal

She never sat still for very long, but I did snap this picture of her jumping from the deck rail to the black oil sunflower seed Cedar feeder. It makes me giggle!

Jumping Female Cardinal!

The less frequent visitors of the Sparrow Mob have spent a lot more time here the last couple days. Here's my Song Sparrow friend - haven't seen this one in a little while!

Song Sparrow

And here's the local American Tree Sparrow, who now visits with a friend:

American Tree Sparrow

Had to include this shot - see the snow whooshing by?

American Tree Sparrow

Here are my two least common sparrows, hanging out in the same feeder!

Tale of Two Sparrows

I had 3 American Goldfinches here today too - up from the usual 1. Hungry Hungry Finches! (You know, instead of Hungry Hungry Hippos)

American Goldfinches

There's a bunny rabbit nibbling on brush in my yard now. It's funny how the birds will hop right around the rabbit, not even blinking at his presence. They're completely comfortable knowing he's not a threat. I'm glad, because I don't mind watching him, either! :)

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